Blood Heir

By |2022-12-03T12:15:03-05:00December 3rd, 2022|Book Reviews|

  Book Review – Blood Heir by Ilona Andrews Series: Kate Daniels World Published: January 21, 2021 BooK: 1 Review by d c mallory   Upon reading the last book of the Kate Daniels series, [...]

The Brightest Fell

By |2022-01-22T05:52:19-05:00September 30th, 2017|Book Reviews|

What happens when your mother, who is lost and confused, wants you to do something you really don't want to do, and just to make it interesting, takes away the thing you want most to get it done? In October's Daye case, one mistake after another...

The Monster I’ve Become

By |2022-01-22T05:57:35-05:00November 8th, 2016|Book Reviews|

So you're a US Marshall and your Aunt, whom you could never stand, asks you to come visit what do you do? Well, of course, you jump right in your jeep with your roommate in tow and head on out. Yes, sir, that's just what I would do! Wait! No! It isn't! I'd tell her to blow me. Of course, if that had happened we wouldn't have had a book to review. Oh, if only I could have been that lucky. :-(

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